As a non driver (is that the right word?) I spend many of my working hours on long bus or train journeys and waiting around at the respective station cafes between stops. I’m actually scribbling these notes on a bus whilst on route to a workshop. Its an hour there and an hour back and although some may find this tiresome I actually quite enjoy it. These hours spent travelling give me plenty of time to plot, plan and more often than not daydream. Daydreaming I see as quite a luxury, just to empty my head, have some breathing space and catch up with myself.
I always feel calmer after writing out my thoughts and I try to inspire others to do the same through the writing for relaxation classes that I deliver, which leads me nicely to introductions – Hello! Katie here, writer (aspiring writer? is it if you are not published..or is it a novelist/author if you are? I’m never sure), and creative writing tutor with a focus on writing for well-being.
My new website is almost ready and there is a blog section so I am jotting down and jumbling about with ideas. I’m not sure how or what I want my blog to be – a focus on my work, my writing, notes on being a writing working Mum, books & reading or a mix of all of the above.
This might be a space for me to ramble, write a load of rubbish, or empty my head who knows ? Anyway this is my first blog – Hello World!